This week went by pretty fast. So it's still super hot here. Yesterday was way hot. I am sick of this heat and humidity. It's ridiculous. Anyways so you guys liked that picture of us in the "hood"? Haha yeah we like to go over there and play with them. It's fun to play out in the streets because it's so much different than a regular basketball game. People tell us to be really careful when we go over there because it's a bad area. But since were church people they respect us. We still try to be pretty careful though. So my week went pretty good I guess. A few weeks ago we ran into a Catholic priest and talked to him a little bit and he told us he wanted to take us out to dinner. So this past Tuesday we went out to dinner with him. He said he didn't want to talk any religion he just wanted to have friendly conversation and get to know us a little bit. So we go to the restaurant and we end up staying there for like 2 hours just talking to him. It started out as friendly conversation than it turned into religion. We got to talk a lot about religion and we told him all the differences between the Catholics and Mormons. It was a nice long discussion we had. We invited him out to church and he told us before one of us leaves he wants to come to church with us. We will see if he ever ends up coming to church with us. Then another cool thing happened on Saturday night. We have this neighbor that we would talk to whenever we would see her and she would ask us questions and we would answer them for her and show her Mormon messages. This has been going on for the whole transfer. We never got an opportunity to invite her to church. So on Saturday night before we went in we went to the store and we saw her there as she was leaving. So Elder White and I were like if she is sitting outside when we get home we have to invite her to church. So we walk back to the apartment and she is sitting outside. We start talking to her and we invited her to church. She seemed like she was happy we invited her to church. She came to church with us on Sunday. She said she liked it and wants to come back. We will see what happens with her and if she wants to learn some more. Hopefully. That's pretty much all that is happening right now. The work is still slow right now. It's been a little better since Elder White and I have been companions. It's only up from here! So last night we had a stake priesthood meeting. We are in the New Orleans stake so I got to go to New Orleans again. I love that place. It's a whole different country. But we got to go across the long bridge that goes across the lake. I think it's the longest bridge in the world or one of the longest. So that was pretty cool too. Next week is transfers. So we will see what happens. I think Elder White and I might be together for another transfer but you just never know. I'll let you guys know next week. I love you all and pray for you.
Elder Willis <3
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