Hey!!! Thanks for all the bday wishes!!
I can't believe I'm going to be 20! That's pretty sweet. I thought I was going to
stay a teenager forever. I don't think I'm going to be doing anything too crazy
for my bday. Probably just go to taco bell or something. Last night the elders
in my district baked me a cake. It was a cake mix that Aunt Laurie sent me. Make
sure you tell her I said thanks for that. So we had some cake last night for my
bday. It was pretty fun. So I did get that email from Reed with all the team.
That was pretty neat. Make sure you tell him I said thanks too. I got those
pants and they actually fit me. So I'm finally good with pants for right
now. Hopefully I can make these pants last me for the rest of my mission. So far
all my clothes have been holding up. I haven't had any problems so far. I guess
the pair of shoes I came out with are pretty beat up but I've picked up a couple
other pairs since I've been out here so I'm good. So my week was pretty good. This
transfer has been going by super fast. Probably because me and Elder Mapa have
been having a blast together. We probably get along too good. The weather has
been really nice. It's getting really hot and humid here. This past week was
super humid. It felt like you could swim through the humidity. As soon as you
walk outside it just hits you like a brick wall. I wasn't ready for the summer to
come but I think I am now. Anyways we were able to teach a few people this past
week. We are starting to see more success. Let's see...one day we were driving
through this neighborhood and we see this family working outside so me and Mapa
decided we needed to stop and help them. So they let us help them out around
their yard for a little bit. Then we get to talking to the husband about the
church and he tells us he's looking for a church so we taught him for a little
bit and this week we will probably go back over there and see how they are
doing. There are a couple more people we are still working with right now.
There's a part member family and then there is a media referral we are working
with and they both are pretty solid investigators. So Friday night right before
we were getting ready to go in for the night we get this call from the
Prarieville sisters and they told us they have a baptism the next day and the
guy is actually in our area. I don't know how they didn't know but they were
teaching him for like 2 months without knowing he was in our area. So we had to
go to his baptism on Saturday. They are both pretty new sisters so they didn't
really know what they were doing. That's like the first thing I do when we find
someone to teach is see if they are even in our area. Anyways this past week me
and Mapa decided to start riding our bikes more. He wants to lose some weight so
I don't mind because it's really nice weather outside. We decided to ride our
bikes to the skate park. We met some pretty cool kids over there. They want us
to come back to the skate park like everyday. So we have been going to the skate
park lately. I'm not too good of a skater. Don't worry mom I'm wearing my helmet ;)
We have handed out a couple Book of Mormons to the guys at the skate park. One
of the guys goes around his high school telling people about this Book of Mormon
and then he comes up to us with his friends and he's like my friend wants one of
those books. So we have handed out like 5-6 Book of Mormons to some High School
kids. One of the days we were at the skate park one of the kids wanted me to go
down the halfpipe with my bike. So I did....it didn't turn out too good. I don't
think mountain bikes are good for half pipes. I ate it pretty hard. The bike
didn't receive any harm though. But we have ended up making some pretty good
friends at the skate park. We're going to try and get them to come to church with
us. If it takes eating it on a halfpipe to get one of those kids to church I'll
take it. Well I cant think of anything else. My week was pretty good. You guys
will have to make a cake and eat it for me! I'll talk to you guys next week. I
love you!
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