this letter was late I've just been so busy with everything lately. Hope everyone
is doing fine. I'm doing pretty good. What a crazy week holy cow. This has been a
pretty long week. We have been in Laplace still everyday. We have been going
down there everyday since Tuesday and have been working. It's hard work I'm not
going to lie. We start working at like 8 in the morning and don't get done till
about 6 or 7 at night. Just non stop work all day. But today and tomorrow they
gave us a break because it's transfer week. I'm not getting transfered. My companion are I are still staying together for at least another transfer. We get along
pretty well I think. He is pretty cool. So
yeah we have to go back down to Laplace on Thursday and start working again.
Probably be down there until like Sunday night I think. We have all the
missionaries from our mission down there working. I see Elder Petersen all the
time. He is in my zone so that's cool. We talk to each other all the time too when
we see each other. So far we have already finished out over 300 houses. There is
still a ton more houses to work on. Some of the houses we work on our so
bad. There was this one house we were doing and it still had water in the house.
We had to pull up the carpet and the carpet was still soaked. It smelled so
rotten in there. And the crazy thing is that the guy who lives there has been
sleeping in his house. He sleeps on his wet and molded bed. It is so disgusting.
Like just standing in the house makes me gag. It's pretty intense. And it's
Louisiana so it's like 90 degrees working indoors so it's so hot. I thought I
sweat pretty bad in basketball games and stuff but compared to working down
here it's not even close to how much I sweat down here working. Yeah and we were
cleaning out this lady's cupboard and I was pulling stuff out and I pull out this
cup and its just full of cockroaches...it was pretty nasty. So on Sunday we had
to do service again in Laplace so we all met in the chapel and had a short
little sacrament meeting. It was a little different because the Laplace chapel
got flooded so it was all gutted out and everyone was in their working clothes
but the spirit was still there so that was a neat experience. So I had a little
incident this week. But it probably won't be a surprise to you at all. haha. So
on Friday we actually stayed in our area because we told a family we would help
them move. So we did service for them all day. So we were helping them move and
everything. We were moving a freezer for them and carrying it into their house. It
was such a heavy freezer and there was only 3 of us carrying it. So we decide to
set it down for a second and they just drop it and it drops straight on my foot.
It hurt so bad. So the freezer just smashes straight on my foot. I thought I
would just walk it off so we keep on working. It continues to hurt for the rest
of the day and my companion tells me we need to call Sis Wall and have it
checked out. I was like no I'll be fine. But he calls Sis Wall anyways. So we go
get it checked out down in Laplace where the doctor is and the whole time I was
just thinking crap my foot is going to be broken and they are going to send me
home. I was like no they can't send me home. So I was freaking out. It ends up
that I only broke one of my toes :) so it's not that bad. I have just been taking
pain pills and taking it easy for the last couple days. So yeah tally up another
broken bone for me :) (note from Mom: Tyler has broken more bones than anyone else in our family. It seems like when he gets hurt it's something broken-never strained or bruised :)) I'll be fine though. haha well nothing else really going
on. I love you and miss you!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!
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