So sounds like a crazy week for everyone!! Glad to hear that everyone
is doing pretty good though. So sounds like the basketball team didn't do too
good. Is Jaden wearing number 11?? Hopefully he is so he can keep the tradition
alive. The other day during studies I just wore my basketball shoes around
during the morning because I miss basketball so much..... Haha tell Jaden to write
me a letter about basketball so I can give him some advice. Some advice that I
wished I would have used back when I was playing. So tell him to write me. I
haven't heard from him in like 3 months. Haven't heard from Makenzie in a while
either!! :( Did all you guys forget about me or something? Haha you can tell
Jaden that Reed writes me more than he does. Anyways my week went by pretty
fast. Nothing too exciting happened this week. Another week with no lessons. We
still don't have any investigators. This is how our whole mission is. All the
missionaries I talk to only have like 1 or 2 investigators. I'ts true when people
say the south is one of the toughest missions. I have heard that the south and
Eastern Europe are the toughest missions in the world. I don't know. I bet there
are still alot of really tough missions out there. I try to not let it affect me
too much. I try to look for the good in everything even when we can't find
anybody to talk to. Sometimes even the members don't want to talk to us. Oh
well.....So thanksgiving was pretty good. We ended up only eating at 2 houses
because we were so full. Thanksgiving here is just like it is back home. Regular
food like turkey and potatoes and gravy. But here the women sit outside to eat
while the men sit inside at the table to eat. I don't know if they always do that
but that's what they were trying to tell us they do down here. It's kinda weird.
Then after we just stayed and played some board games with them. It was pretty
fun. That was like for lunch and then for dinner we went to another family and
ate with them. The father served his mission in Dallas and he actually served in
Denton for a while so that was pretty neat. And he knows where Parker College is
and everything. So my thanksgiving wasn't anything too crazy. Now it's time for
Christmas. :) So my comp is Elder Damron from Idaho. He has been out 10 months
now. He is pretty cool. We get along pretty good. We have a little nerf
hoop in our room so right after we plan at night we play a game of 21. It gets
pretty intense. We pretty much just try to dunk on each other every single time.
I'ts fun. Anyways nothing much else happened this week. So you can tell Matthew I
have seperate B of M and Bible but they are both regular size. And for my jacket
just a black one that I can wear proselyting. It doesn't matter what kind or
anything. Just get me whatever you think is best. If there is anything else just
let me know. Next week is transfer week again so I'll email on Tuesday probably.
Well anyways take care. Your always in my prayers.
Elder Tyler Willis

Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
How y'all are?? Hahah well sounds like everything has settled down over there. That's nice to hear. Well my week went by fast. Nothing too exciting has happened this week. Just a normal missionary week. We only taught 1 lesson this week. We currently don't have any investigators. It's tough.....we can't find anybody to teach. We don't do any tracting. Tracting is pretty much pointless in the south. The only way we get investigators is from members but the members aren't hooking us up with any referrals right now. So we just visit members and less actives all day. Yeah so our baptism didn't go through either. The Dad had to go to New York for a while. So we didn't get a chance to teach his son at all. Even if he does end up getting baptized it probably won't be for another couple weeks or so. I don't think the dad cares about his son getting baptized anymore. It kinda was just the spur of the moment that he wanted him to get baptized. I don't know we will just have to wait and see hopefully everything will work out. So lately it has been getting pretty cold. We went to this older ladies house one night and she opened the door and she was like "Where is your jacket?" I was like I don't have one...She pretty much freaked out on me because I didn't have a jacket. So she just left us at her house while she went to walmart and she bought me a jacket. So everytime we go to her house I have to wear my jacket even if it is warm enough to not wear a jacket. Just to make her happy. Sounds like you guys aren't too happy about giving talks. I still haven't had to give 1 talk yet. I can't complain about that. I have a feeling I'll have to give one here pretty soon though. I always carry a couple talks with me just in case. Thanksgiving should be pretty fun this year. Both wards here have a turkey bowl on thanksgiving morning. So we'll probably end up going to that and playing some football. We got invited to eat at like everyones house so we will probably just be house hopping around eating food at different places all day. The other day we were driving around and I was outside backing the car up and I was about to get in and this dog comes out from no where and jumps into the car. It wouldn't get out of the car. It jumped in the backseat and just sat down. It took us like 10 minutes to get the dog out of the car. Then it finally ran off. So that was pretty weird. Well I cant really think of anything else that's going on around here. So the other day I saw Michael Bonham here and he told me he just drove through Heber and he told me it hasn't changed at all. I was like it doesn't surprise me haha. Well that's about it for this week. Hopefully I'll have some crazier stories to tell next week. Love you and your in my prayers.
Elder Willis
How y'all are?? Hahah well sounds like everything has settled down over there. That's nice to hear. Well my week went by fast. Nothing too exciting has happened this week. Just a normal missionary week. We only taught 1 lesson this week. We currently don't have any investigators. It's tough.....we can't find anybody to teach. We don't do any tracting. Tracting is pretty much pointless in the south. The only way we get investigators is from members but the members aren't hooking us up with any referrals right now. So we just visit members and less actives all day. Yeah so our baptism didn't go through either. The Dad had to go to New York for a while. So we didn't get a chance to teach his son at all. Even if he does end up getting baptized it probably won't be for another couple weeks or so. I don't think the dad cares about his son getting baptized anymore. It kinda was just the spur of the moment that he wanted him to get baptized. I don't know we will just have to wait and see hopefully everything will work out. So lately it has been getting pretty cold. We went to this older ladies house one night and she opened the door and she was like "Where is your jacket?" I was like I don't have one...She pretty much freaked out on me because I didn't have a jacket. So she just left us at her house while she went to walmart and she bought me a jacket. So everytime we go to her house I have to wear my jacket even if it is warm enough to not wear a jacket. Just to make her happy. Sounds like you guys aren't too happy about giving talks. I still haven't had to give 1 talk yet. I can't complain about that. I have a feeling I'll have to give one here pretty soon though. I always carry a couple talks with me just in case. Thanksgiving should be pretty fun this year. Both wards here have a turkey bowl on thanksgiving morning. So we'll probably end up going to that and playing some football. We got invited to eat at like everyones house so we will probably just be house hopping around eating food at different places all day. The other day we were driving around and I was outside backing the car up and I was about to get in and this dog comes out from no where and jumps into the car. It wouldn't get out of the car. It jumped in the backseat and just sat down. It took us like 10 minutes to get the dog out of the car. Then it finally ran off. So that was pretty weird. Well I cant really think of anything else that's going on around here. So the other day I saw Michael Bonham here and he told me he just drove through Heber and he told me it hasn't changed at all. I was like it doesn't surprise me haha. Well that's about it for this week. Hopefully I'll have some crazier stories to tell next week. Love you and your in my prayers.
Elder Willis
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sounds like everyone is doing good. That's good to hear. So sounds like some pretty crazy stuff has been happening over there lately in Az. That's cool to hear about Alyssa getting married. It seemed like just yesterday I was choking her and we had to get sent to the office. Haha. Cy is going to Arkansas? That's way sweet. It's actually the Jackson, Mississippi Mission that covers the northern part of Louisiana. Still he is not too far from me. Anyways I'm doing pretty good. Nothing too much has happened this week. I like this area better than my last area. Time is going by faster in this area too. My first 2 transfers in Opelousas went by pretty slow because the work was really slow and there really wasn't much stuff to do either. I talk to people here and they are like "Where did you serve before?" I'm like Opelousas and there like I'm sorry.....haha I'm just like I know right?! But this transfer has been going by alot faster. I think time is just going to start to fly by now. So it snowed a little bit already? haha that's crazy! It's still like in the 80's here. I think it should start cooling down soon......hopefully. You can tell Makenzie that I'm getting super tan because I'm always in the hot sun :) She probably won't like to hear that though. Anyways so this Saturday we should be having a baptism! It's a 9 year old kid and his dad wants him to get baptized so we have to teach him all the lessons before this Saturday. This will be my first baptism. I'll take some pictures at the baptism and send them to you next week. This past week we had dinner at this member who is from like Vietnam or something and she fed us fried bamboo. Yup....I ate bamboo. It's actually pretty good. She told me to tell my mom that I ate wood. So that was interesting. I also had a gator burger this past week. It was pretty good but I much rather prefer a regular burger. I have eaten all kinds of crazy stuff so far. I'm pretty sure when I come home I won't be scared to eat Tostados anymore :) So I have been playing alot of basketball lately. For some reason all I want to do is play basketball. Every morning I wake up at like 5:30 and I try to get the other elders in my apartment to get up and go play basketball with me at the chapel. If they don't want to play with me I try to get the Spanish elders in our area to come play with me. Usually a few of the elders will come with me and play basketball. Anyways I can't really think of anything else I wanted to tell you guys. Oh yeah so Thanksgiving is coming up and we have like 5 dinner appointments. So the few days before I probably won't eat anything at all. Haha yeah so I'll have to see what kind of crazy experiences I get this week. Anyways I love you and miss you all! Your always in my prayers.
Love Elder Willis
Sounds like everyone is doing good. That's good to hear. So sounds like some pretty crazy stuff has been happening over there lately in Az. That's cool to hear about Alyssa getting married. It seemed like just yesterday I was choking her and we had to get sent to the office. Haha. Cy is going to Arkansas? That's way sweet. It's actually the Jackson, Mississippi Mission that covers the northern part of Louisiana. Still he is not too far from me. Anyways I'm doing pretty good. Nothing too much has happened this week. I like this area better than my last area. Time is going by faster in this area too. My first 2 transfers in Opelousas went by pretty slow because the work was really slow and there really wasn't much stuff to do either. I talk to people here and they are like "Where did you serve before?" I'm like Opelousas and there like I'm sorry.....haha I'm just like I know right?! But this transfer has been going by alot faster. I think time is just going to start to fly by now. So it snowed a little bit already? haha that's crazy! It's still like in the 80's here. I think it should start cooling down soon......hopefully. You can tell Makenzie that I'm getting super tan because I'm always in the hot sun :) She probably won't like to hear that though. Anyways so this Saturday we should be having a baptism! It's a 9 year old kid and his dad wants him to get baptized so we have to teach him all the lessons before this Saturday. This will be my first baptism. I'll take some pictures at the baptism and send them to you next week. This past week we had dinner at this member who is from like Vietnam or something and she fed us fried bamboo. Yup....I ate bamboo. It's actually pretty good. She told me to tell my mom that I ate wood. So that was interesting. I also had a gator burger this past week. It was pretty good but I much rather prefer a regular burger. I have eaten all kinds of crazy stuff so far. I'm pretty sure when I come home I won't be scared to eat Tostados anymore :) So I have been playing alot of basketball lately. For some reason all I want to do is play basketball. Every morning I wake up at like 5:30 and I try to get the other elders in my apartment to get up and go play basketball with me at the chapel. If they don't want to play with me I try to get the Spanish elders in our area to come play with me. Usually a few of the elders will come with me and play basketball. Anyways I can't really think of anything else I wanted to tell you guys. Oh yeah so Thanksgiving is coming up and we have like 5 dinner appointments. So the few days before I probably won't eat anything at all. Haha yeah so I'll have to see what kind of crazy experiences I get this week. Anyways I love you and miss you all! Your always in my prayers.
Love Elder Willis
Monday, November 5, 2012
How's the family doing? Sounds like the reception went well. That's good to hear. Wish I could have been there with you all but I have to be calling people to repentance down here. Haha Anyways I'm doing pretty good. My new area is pretty sweet. The people here are more friendly than my last area. Even though this area is a little more slow with missionary work than my last area. We didn't teach any lessons this week. :( That's just a normal week for Louisiana. We just see a bunch of less actives. It's ok though. Yeah the LSU - Alabama game was huge down here. That's all people talked about this whole week. Saturday night it was hard for us to go see anybody because everyone was watching the game. The town was like a ghost town because nobody was out on the streets. So we just had to go see the super old members that don't watch football. Then LSU lost so everyone was pretty grumpy at church. I think I heard more at church about Les Miles then about gospel stuff. Haha People down here sure do love their football. So some crazy stuff that happened this week. We were helping some older members put a tarp on their roof so the rain wouldn't get in the house. This area we were in was a pretty ghetto area. So we were just working and I look over across the street and there are these 2 little kids fighting over a bike. One of them wouldn't get off so the other one starts punching him and takes the bike. Then the other one starts running after him and tackles him and starts punching him. These kids are probably like 9. Then this girl around like 12 comes and starts beating on both of them and swearing at them. Haha It was intense. Then this big women I'm guessing the mother comes out and grabs the girl and just starts beating her. The little girl just starts screaming but the women keeps beating her. And the women is just swearing at her and smacking the girl. I'm just standing there watching the whole thing and I'm just in shock. How do these people live like this? I'm glad I was raised in a good home. This other time we were eating at a older couple's house and they are just straight up crazy. They fed us spaghetti with hard boiled eggs in the sauce. It was interesting but I still ate everything. So then she brings out brownies and I'm like okay something normal. She sets them down and she was like oh I forgot the salsa! At least that's what I thought she said so I'm thinking noooo way am I eating brownies with salsa. Luckily she said something different so it wasn't salsa. Haha It's just so hard to understand people down here. I'm still trying to learn the language. Haha Anyways that was my week. Oh I did get Aunt Laurie's package. It was awesome! Make sure to tell her I loved it. That's cool to hear about Tyler and Cy. Brazil would be an intense mission. Am I going to be the only missionary from Heber to ever go to the Deep South?! I guess only the best can make it down here. Haha. Well I love you all and you're in my prayers.
Elder Tyler Drake Willis
How's the family doing? Sounds like the reception went well. That's good to hear. Wish I could have been there with you all but I have to be calling people to repentance down here. Haha Anyways I'm doing pretty good. My new area is pretty sweet. The people here are more friendly than my last area. Even though this area is a little more slow with missionary work than my last area. We didn't teach any lessons this week. :( That's just a normal week for Louisiana. We just see a bunch of less actives. It's ok though. Yeah the LSU - Alabama game was huge down here. That's all people talked about this whole week. Saturday night it was hard for us to go see anybody because everyone was watching the game. The town was like a ghost town because nobody was out on the streets. So we just had to go see the super old members that don't watch football. Then LSU lost so everyone was pretty grumpy at church. I think I heard more at church about Les Miles then about gospel stuff. Haha People down here sure do love their football. So some crazy stuff that happened this week. We were helping some older members put a tarp on their roof so the rain wouldn't get in the house. This area we were in was a pretty ghetto area. So we were just working and I look over across the street and there are these 2 little kids fighting over a bike. One of them wouldn't get off so the other one starts punching him and takes the bike. Then the other one starts running after him and tackles him and starts punching him. These kids are probably like 9. Then this girl around like 12 comes and starts beating on both of them and swearing at them. Haha It was intense. Then this big women I'm guessing the mother comes out and grabs the girl and just starts beating her. The little girl just starts screaming but the women keeps beating her. And the women is just swearing at her and smacking the girl. I'm just standing there watching the whole thing and I'm just in shock. How do these people live like this? I'm glad I was raised in a good home. This other time we were eating at a older couple's house and they are just straight up crazy. They fed us spaghetti with hard boiled eggs in the sauce. It was interesting but I still ate everything. So then she brings out brownies and I'm like okay something normal. She sets them down and she was like oh I forgot the salsa! At least that's what I thought she said so I'm thinking noooo way am I eating brownies with salsa. Luckily she said something different so it wasn't salsa. Haha It's just so hard to understand people down here. I'm still trying to learn the language. Haha Anyways that was my week. Oh I did get Aunt Laurie's package. It was awesome! Make sure to tell her I loved it. That's cool to hear about Tyler and Cy. Brazil would be an intense mission. Am I going to be the only missionary from Heber to ever go to the Deep South?! I guess only the best can make it down here. Haha. Well I love you all and you're in my prayers.
Elder Tyler Drake Willis
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